Our samoyeds
Violet is my first own dog, she is our oldest lady, there is a big alpha female in the yard, she is very sensible and clever, but she still behaves like a grown-up puppy <3 Her cordial nature is unmistakable, she is just our sweetheart :)
Ella is our first import. She is our hyperactive ball, full of love and happiness. Hopefully we can finally have got some sport girl in our Violet´s meadow family :)
Rheia is my second Samoyed, she would like to be only with us inside, and when we try to drive her outside she will only move when she see some good treat. She is a great typical samoyed girl. She loves walks and also chasing for rabbits or deer. Otherway she is phlegmatic and therefore she likes her peace and privacy :)
Coralina is our puppy from litter "B", she is also our ball full of energy and love. Although the Samoyed breed is typical for its loving nature, she has been the most loving dog I have ever seen from the very beginning, she loves everyone but she also loves destroying pools, doors and digging holes in the yard :)
Our Slovak Cuvac
Dorka is our first Slovak cuvac, she is our sweetheart. She lives in our company in Galanta (around 5 minutes from our house by car.
We love all our dogs very much, we try to make them a home without restrictions, they are not locked in cages or aviaries, they have our large yard and also a part "for puppies". They are fed quality Slovak food and whenever there is an opportunity to travel with us on trips, hiking or holidays they are going with us :).