We have puppies! Litter "D" was born 26th of August, parents are Blooming Coralina Violet´s meadow & Union Jack iz Moskovskoy Metely. We have got 5 girls and 1 boy :)
2020 - 2021 Report
We had puppies! Litter "C" was born 15th of September, more informations here.
In 2021 we are one year older, Rheia is on her pension after all puppies, Violet was undergoing surgery with her right eye (eye extraction) and also sterilisation. Coralina is smarter and she will be mommy soon, so yes we plan puppies more information here :). Dorka is bigger and we have got new family member! Samoyed puppy girl - Ella (Crown Princess Mia Baltic Brilliant) she came to us from Latvia.
Show succes of our dogs and puppies:
8.7.2021 CACIB Nitra:
Blooming Coralina Violet's meadow- Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, 3. BIG
Brave Bear Violet's meadow - Exc. 4
9.7.2021 CACIB Nitra
Brave Bear Violet's meadow - VG4
10.7.2021 Regional show Veľké Úľany
Brave Bear Violet's meadow - Exc. 1, class winner
Blooming Coralina Violet's meadow - Exc. 1, class winner, regional winner, 2. best female from regional show Daydream Delaware Xsara's hope- Exc. 1, BIS in Honour class
10.7.2021 Specialty Samoyed Show of SCS Veľké Úľany
Brave Bear Violet's meadow - Exc. 2
Blooming Coralina Violet's meadow - Exc. 1, CC, Specialty show winner, 1. Best female, BOS-Res. BIS
Carpe Diem Violet's meadow - Exc. 2
Daydream Delaware Xsara's hope- Exc. 1, CC, Res. BIS in honour class
Coralina fulfilled conditions for Club Champion of Samoyed Club Slovakia and for Slovak beauty champion
24.7.2021 CACIB Maribor & 25.7.2021 - CACIB Pohorje
Brave Bear Violet's meadow - 2x Exc. 1, CAC SLO, CACIB, BOS
BRAVE BEAR VIOLET´S MEADOW took part in an international show in Bratislava and took home titles- Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ and BOS! Congratulations !!!
During the long break and thanks to Covid-19 situation, I did not pay attention to the website. Since then, we have a lot of news, whether bad or good, so I'll just summarize it simply:
- In February, our Violka had an eye injury, unfortunately it did not develop as we had hoped and she became blind to the one eye, her glaucoma developed, which we feared for many years due to her genetic eye disease (goniodysplasia). We regularly go to check the eye pressure. However, we are going to have eyelid surgery with her, as her eyelashes irritate her eye.
- In April we had eye examinations with Cori (Blooming Coralina Violet´s meadow) and Rheika (Daydream Delaware Xsara´s hope) both have clear eyes including gonioscopy :)
- We bought a new scooter of the "KOSTKA" brand and we are excited about it! :)
- We are planning puppies
- 18. & 19.7. Cori and I took part in international shows in Nitra on both days she won Excellent 1, CAJC and BOJ and despite her "bikini coat" she got to the top 3 on Saturday in the final competitions for junior BOG V. FCI :)
- 23.7. our Czechoslovakian wolf "Ares Karpatská svorka - Lucko" left us forever at the age of 12.5 years, he was the most amazing dog in the world and we miss him very much he was "guardian dog" of our family company : '(
- We have prepared a lot of news, I don't even know how I can handle it all, but I believe that everything will succeed according to our ideas ....
Our puppies from litter "B" in Prague :)
From left: Brave Bear Violet´s meadow & Beloved Desire Violet´s meadow

Blooming Coralina Violet´s meadow & Daydream Delaware Xsara´s hope
Eyes clear including gonioscopy
Specialty "Christmas" show in Koplotovce, amazing time with friends and sammy family :)
Results from show:
- BONFIRE HEART Violet´s meadow- Very promising 1 & BIS MINNOR PUPPY!!!
- BLOOMING CORALINA Violet´s meadow- Very promising 1 & Res. BIS MINNOR PUPPY!!!
Big "thank you" to all owners of our puppies for their support and representation during 2019!

Show results from CACIB NITRA:
- BRAVE BEAR Violet´s meadow- Very promising 1
- BLOOMING CORALINA Violet´s meadow- Very promising 1, BOB & BIS Minnor puppy!!!

- All puppies are in new homes
- 28.9.2019 Club show of Czech Samoyed club- Ayra Icy Blossom- Excelent 2, Res. CAC and BROOD BITCH
- 4.10.2019 CACIB Komárom- Brave Bear & Blooming Coralina- Very promising 1
- 27.10.2019 CACIB Bratislava- Brave Bear & Blooming Coralina- Very promising 1
Máme šteniatka! Narodil sa nám vytúžený vrh "B" 4 psíkovia a 3 sučky :)
18.5.2019 - Čakáme šteniatka! We are expecting puppies!
Dnes sme s Rheikou boli na Sonografickom vyšetrení a máme skvelé novinky - budeme mať šteniatka! :)
We accept reservations for puppies!

Ayra Icy Blossom Violet's meadow- HD A!!!
2x CACIB Lučenec
Daydream Delaware Xsara's hope
4.5.2019- V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS (p. Matyáš Jaroslav)
5.5.2019- V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS (p. Mikolková Betinská Zuzana)
Rheika cez tento víkend splnila podmienky pre udelenie titulov:
Grand šampión Slovenska
Medzinárodný šampión krásy (C.I.B.)!!!!
Som na Rajku neskutočne pyšná 😍

ŠV & KV Skalica
Daydream Delaware Xsara's hope
26.4. & 27.4.2019- Výborná
Celestial Calypso Xsara's hope
27.4.2019 v Hobby triede- 2. miesto
14.4.2019 - Happy birthday "A" Litter!!!!
Tieto moje fufniatka dnes oslavujú svoj 1. rok <3
Prajem im všetko najkrajšie a najlepšie v ich psích životoch :*

30.3.-31.3.2019 Klubová a špeciálna výstava samojedov Letovice
30.3. KV
DAYDREAM DELAWARE Xsara's hope- Výborná 1, CAC, 1. Najlepšia sučka klubovej výstavy (trieda šampiónov, 1/2)
AYRA ICY BLOSSOM Violet's meadow- Výborná 2 (trieda mladých 2/4)
AEGAEON SEA STORM Violet's meadow- Výborný 3 (trieda mladých 3/3)
31.3. ŠV
DAYDREAM DELAWARE Xsara's hope- Výborná 2, res. CAC (trieda šampiónov, 2/3)
AYRA ICY BLOSSOM Violet's meadow- Veľmi dobrá 3 (trieda mladých 3/4)
AEGAEON SEA STORM Violet's meadow- Veľmi dobrý 4 (trieda mladých 4/4)

Ďakujeme majiteľom našich šteniatok za všetko!
Duo CACIB Brno
Ayra Icy Blossom Violet's meadow prvýkrát v triede mladých:
2.2.2019- V1, CAJC, BOJ (1/5) / Mrs. Márová Petra
3.2.2019- V4 (4/4) / Mr. Vondrouš Otakar
27. 12. 2018
Plánujeme šteniatka! V prípade záujmu o šteniatko nás kontaktujte... :)
We plan puppies! If you are interested in a puppy from us, please contact us... :)
More info HERE!
Máme šteniatka narodilo sa nám 6 psíkov a 2 sučky!
We have puppies 6 boys and 2 girls!

Koncom januára na naše psíky prišlo háravé obdobie :) a konečne sme mohli zájsť za Rheikiným ženíchom :) Plánujeme šteniatka s narodením okolo 13.4.2018, tak držte palce aby sa to tentokrát už naozaj podarilo a v prípade záujmu o šteniatko z našej CHS nás prosím kontaktujte pre prípadnú rezerváciu :) PS: fotky a informácie o nádejnom budúcom ocinovi doplním čo najskôr....
We plan puppies! more info soon :)
S Violet sme boli na dvojdňovej turistike po hrebeni Malej Fatry viac fotiek TU :)

Po 1 roku prestávky sme sa s Rajčinkou (Daydream Delaware Xsara´s hope) zúčastnili dvoch medzinárodných výstav v Brne :) boli sme trochu v strese ale nakoniec sme to zvládli celkom slušne :) v sobotu sme dostali ocenenie výborná 3, v nedeľu výborná 1, CAC, Res. CACIB

Od 9. januára 2017 sme oficiálna chovateľská stanica :)
We are official dog kennel!